The SOLSTICE program aims to develop novel solar-powered and hybrid solar-powered systems with significantly higher power density than existing technologies. These systems will be capable of maintaining high power output over their mission lifetime in challenging remote applications, including in an earth-orbital environment (Track 1) and on the earth surface (Track 2). Novel component technologies and systems-level approaches will be leveraged to both maximize power over a large range of operational conditions and mitigate anticipated failure modes. This will lead to a significant increase in the overall energy yield of a power system over its intended lifetime and greater resilience against ever-present risks. IARPA seeks technical approaches that leverage potential synergy between photovoltaics, optics, thermal management/conversion, power electronics, energy storage, and other technical areas to maximize lifetime energy yield and resilience. The program will initially focus on component technology development as part of a system concept design, followed by system prototype development, testing, and refinement for target environments.
SOLSTICE Proposers' Day Registration Site
SOLSTICE Proposers' Day:
Tuesday, 07 May 2024 from 1000 to 1700 EDT
Proposers' Day Registration Closes: Friday, 03 May 2024 at 1200 EDT